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  • 怎么样选购室内实木门呢?
  • 本站编辑:杭州鸿森门业有限公司发布日期:2019-04-01 06:17 浏览次数:
  • 室内木门是装修过程中一个至关重要的元素。室内木门的风格必然是整体装修风格的一个组成部分,同时是内部各个房间的连接,除了使用要顺心顺手以外,木门的质量和安全更是与家人的身体健康密切相关。那么,室内木门怎么选,到底如何把关?


    The indoor wooden door is a very important element in the process of decoration. The style of indoor wooden door is an integral part of the overall decoration style, and it is also the connection of the internal rooms. In addition to the ease of use, the quality and safety of wooden door is closely related to the health of family members. So, how to choose the indoor wooden door and how to check it?
    How to choose indoor wooden doors Which is the best brand of indoor wooden doors _________
    The kitchen is a place where the smell of water vapor and lampblack is rather heavy. The door type with good waterproof and sealing should be chosen. The kitchen door can choose large area glass door, which can not only isolate the fume, but also make the space more transparent and spacious. In order to fully save space, kitchen doors can also consider the use of folding doors, sliding doors.
    Bedroom door is the most important consideration of privacy and create a warm atmosphere, so the use of light transmission is weak and mute effect of strong doors, such as frosted glass, square format, elegant shape of wooden doors. Depending on the decoration style and personal preferences, it can also be simple or exquisite, warm or cold tones.
    The bathroom is a humid environment with humid air. When choosing the door of the bathroom, we must pay attention to the moisture-proof performance of the door. In addition, because the bathroom is a relatively private place, we have to consider its transparent and opaque performance. We can choose a fashionable semi-glass door with all-frosted treatment.
    The study is the place where people study and work. We should choose the door type with good sound insulation, good light transmittance and strong sense of design. If there are frosted glass Oracle Oracle ornaments or wooden doors with ancient window lattice patterns, they can produce a simple and elegant book charm.
    Finally, I want to remind you that the style and style of the door must be based on the healthy and environmental protection, especially for the elderly and children in the family, formaldehyde and other industrial products will bring great harm to their bodies, choose large brands, open an environmental door for them, and guard a healthy home.